What Is Oriental Medicine?
The theory and practice of acupuncture is based on Oriental medicine (also known as traditional Chinese medicine), a comprehensive natural health care system that has been used in Asian countries for thousands of years to preserve health and diagnose, treat and prevent illness. Learn More >
Recommended Reading
Here are our favorite books and the books we find to be most valuable to our patients.
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Interesting Research
We are constantly researching new approaches to health and wellness. Here are a few of the studies that we have either been involved with or find interesting that we would like to pass on to you. Learn More >
Favorite Websites
Here are some of the websites we have found most valuable. Learn More >
Purification / Cleansing
In today's environment almost everyone gets overloaded with toxins. Learn how important it is to eliminate these toxins from your body with a purification / cleansing program. Learn More>